Filing for Bankruptcy

Are you struggling with overwhelming medical bills, credit card debt, tax obligations, overdue mortgage payments, or impossible student loans? Well, you don't have to suffer any longer. There is a solution that can improve your situation. An good attorney experienced in fincial matters can help you determine if bankruptcy is the best option for you.

Take a look at your options

Get the facts

Before you make the final decision to file for bankruptcy, you should have all of the facts. There are other options that you can consider as an alternative to bankruptcy such as making a settlement with your creditors. A local attorney can explain these options to you and guide you through every step of the process.

Filing for bankruptcy

If you've decided that filing for bankruptcy is your only option, it's important that you have an experienced bankruptcy attorney on your side. Filing for bankruptcy can be a complicated and burdonsome process and may take a year or more to complete. Your attorney will make sure that your best interests are considered.

Help is available

Don't try to settle your debts alone. If you live in Evansville, Vincennes, or Terre Haute, and are in need of a debt relief solution, the attorneys at Kinkade & Associates can help you. They will explain everything you need to know about how to make a fair settlement with your creditors and about filing for bankruptcy. 

talk to a bankruptcy attorney

The main goal of Kinkade & Associates is to help individuals and their families rebuild their financial lives. They will offer you personalized service, and if it's possible, help you avoid bankputcy. If you would like to speak with a Kinkade & Associates attorney to learn more about bankruptcy, give them a call today to schedule your free consultation.